San's Tours & Car Rentals, Singapore Car Rentals

Aesthetic Medicine and Wellness in Singapore

We can arrange Aesthetic treatment such as Laser Therapy, Botox, Mesotherapy, Aquamed and Cosmetic Surgery. We also provide comprehensive Medical Screening and Wellness care.

Laser in Medicine: Lasers have become the method of choice for the treatment of many skin conditions. It is also used for aesthetic improvement of the skin that results from aging, sun exposure and congenital conditions such as birthmarks or pigmentation and mole. Lasers can be used effectively for the removal of tattoos. The treatments are generally pain free and often scheduled over one to three sessions to achive the desired effects. Our physician who is specialised in laser treatments evaluates the patient and skin conditions. Each treatment lasts between 30 to 60 minutes.

Non-ablative Laser: This is the latest method of skin resurfacing using non-ablative laser procedure to regenerate collagen, remove skin decolouration and pigmentation, decrease pore size and reduce/remove fine wrinkles. This results in a younger, softer skin. Immediate & Long Term Effects Changes within 1st and 2nd treatment make skin clearer, even skin colour.

Changes after 3rd treatment:
- Softens skin tone
- Improves skin texture
- Reduce pore size
- Improves fine wrinkles
- Lightens melasma and spotty pigments

What is Botox?
Botox is non-surgical procedures that can dramatically your toughest wrinkles within days. It uses a natural, purified protein that relaxes the wrinkle causing muscles creating a smoothed rejuvenated and more youthful appearance.

Botox is US FDA approved. It has been widely tested with 12 years of safe and effective use on hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide for various medical reasons.

What is the procedure like?
Your doctor will determine where to use Botox to achieve the best results. No anesthetic is required. A tiny amount of Botox is injected using a very fine needle into selected facial muscle. Discomfort is minimal and brief, and most patients describle as an ant bite.

Most people resume normal activities and the effect of Botox will be seen in 2 to 3 days.

Most of us avoid check ups because we are afraid of what we may discover. Yet the cost would indeed be far greater if we discovered problems only at an advanced stage of a disease. Worse, treatment of late or finalstage diseases may not even provide a sucessful cure; sometimes with terminal results.

Health Screenings: Health checks are not only fast and affordable, but are also an effective method of detecting many common diseases early. A vacation is a good time to take a health screening. Away from busy Screenings balance this rejuvenation process by allowing us to monitor our bodily health as well.

Clinics: At our Clinics, our highly trained and experienced doctors use advanced instrumentation to screen against heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, cancers and other diseases.